Bread of Life workers share food with those in need.
Bread of Life Foursquare Gospel Church has had a continuous community presence since 1995. Located at 5179 West Washington Boulevard in Los Angeles, the church meets spiritual needs during worship services on Wednesdays and Sundays at 12:30 p.m., and addresses physical necessities by distributing food, clothing, toiletries and other items following each service.
“We believe in meeting the needs of people who come to our door,” said Pastor Nancy Eskijian, who founded Bread of Life with Pastor Ellen Wohl.
Their approach is guided by John 6:35 where Jesus says, “I am the bread of life. He that comes to me shall never hunger.”
“We are the lead pastors, but we also have a Spanish speaking pastor, and an English and Spanish speaking ministry team as Bread of Life is a blended congregation, predominately African-American and Latino,” explained Pastor Eskijian.
“We have an emphasis on inner healing and deliverance, and believing that all lives have purpose and a mission and destiny in God. We believe in empowering believers with the gifts and callings God has given them,” she said.
The Bread of Life ministry, which also helps with the food bank at the Imperial Courts Housing Project, distributes groceries to more than 4,500 people per month between the two operations. Soon, the church plans to assist the food bank at Jordan Downs Project in Watts with distributions every other Friday.
“Last year, we reached over 35,000 people in food distribution, more than half of whom are children. These are our neighbors, the people we see every day,” noted Pastor Eskijian.
“We also give out hot meals, serve seniors and the homeless. Food is a healing force for the community.
“The church serves lunch after our Wednesday services to perhaps 250-300 people per month. Our downtown outreach serves nearly 300-400 people. We have a team of dedicated workers to provide these services.”
Pastor Eskijian observed, “Many of Bread of Life’s members are working and stable; nevertheless, we will never abandon this necessary outreach to those in need. God’s work through Bread of Life provides extensive opportunities to pray for, counsel and assist communities with serious life challenges. Ministry is the main priority.”
Volunteers pack groceries for distribution.